Kidron Valley – Author Interview

Kidron Valley by Caryl McAdoo. A YA/Middle Grade Book on Tour With Celebrate Lit ! With a Giveaway and an Author Q& A!

About the Book

Book: The Kidron Valley

Author: Caryl McAdoo

Genre: Young Adult and Mid-Grade Readers

Release date: November 11, 2021

For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle.
As evil heightens all over the world, Jackson, his best friend Al, and his girlfriend Aria learn to live in their new world, fighting off those who would kill, steal, and destroy family and neighbors in Red River County. The story is one of survival under the guidance of Uncle Roy and his brother and God’s Words of Knowledge and angel unaware. No one discounts the Great Pyrenees Boggs’ part either. Though Jackson still holds fast to his agnostic beliefs, God keeps making it harder for him to deny His existence and the sacrifice of His Son. Will he finally believe?

Click here to get your copy!


Award-winning author Caryl McAdoo prays her story brings God glory, and her best-selling stories—over sixty published—delight Christian readers around the world. The prolific writer also enjoys singing the new songs the Lord gives her; you may listen at YouTube. Sharing four children and nineteen grandsugars (three greats), Caryl and Ron, her high-school-sweetheart-husband of fifty-three years, live in the woods south of Clarksville, seat of Red River County in far Northeast Texas. The McAdoos wait expectantly for God to open the next door.

More from Caryl

Back in the day (2012), after my agent Mary Sue McAdoo Seymour had my first historical romance VOW UNBROKEN under contract with Simon and Schuster, but before its publication, she received a request for a mid-grade dystopian and asked if we—my husband and cowriter—wanted to write one.

We kicked it around and came up with an idea for THE KING’S HIGHWAY. Her client rejected the idea of an end times story for so young an age, but the ZonderKidz editor I pitched to at ACFW loved it! She updated me later it was going to committee.

Next thing I knew, doctors diagnosed her with a terrible disease, and she left the company before it was approved. Time marched on until I decided to publish it myself after we went Indie in 2015. By then it would be the Days of Dread Trilogy: THE KING’S HIGHWAY, THE SIXTH TRUMPET, and THE KIDRON VALLEY!

Those who read book one loved it! New to Indie publishing, I bit off almost more than I could chew that first year—eleven new titles! Between getting all those to market and writing sequels to my historical romance family saga, I never got around to write books two and three!

Fast forward to 2021. It appears the dominoes are falling; signs of the Apocalypse are coming more frequently, so we decided to get to THE SIXTH TRUMPET which debuted in June, followed with the release of THE KIDRON VALLEY in November!

I never planned to include all the Bible’s graphic descriptions of the Battle of Armageddon—it is mentioned, but I downplayed but it. While some soft-pedal the tribulation, I believe many of His children will live through it. I hope to bolster my young readers’ faith to be able to trust God for their protection and provision.

In the Days of Dread stories, I used dreams and visions to put my hero and some of his friends in that final battle without predicting any specific time—only Father knows the day and the hour! I believe, as Jackson discovers, there will be places of refuge where those who follow God ban together for mutual protection and benefit.

it’s so pleased me that many grandparents love these books as well. One read it twice, back-to-back because she loved it so much and didn’t want it to end! Though rampant evil throws the world into chaos, I believe His Chosen will walk in power and peace, spreading His Good News to the lost until the end!


What is your favorite book that you have written (Published or Unpublished), and why?

For a long time, I would say HEARTS STOLEN, book two in my Texas Romance Family Saga, was my favorite of my stories. It was my very first Indie title (after ten traditionally published), and so the first book that was left just as written. I think that was a part of it.

Writing it, I couldn’t see any way it could turn out well at the end—how God could ever untangle the mess for an acceptable and happy ending. I write for discovery and do not know the end from the beginning.

One reason I love the story is its four-year-old character, Charley. Born and reared those first four years in a Comanche camp as son of the chief, he had quite a bold personality. That tribe didn’t discipline children. He shot a sparrow and commanded his mother to cook it.

Charley had a white father though. His mother had already conceived when two braves abducted her off the prairie then traded her to Bold Eagle. When she is rescued by the Texas Ranger, the boy doesn’t want to go. He has much to learn.

When I went to pick up the HEARTS STOLEN manuscript, my proofreader said, “Caryl, you know how much I loved VOW UNBTOKEN [book one in the series, published by Simon and Schuster), but this story is the cat’s meow!” I agree!

Since then, of my sixty-two titles, I’ve added two more “favorite” stories, THE BEDWARMER’S SON and I AM, My Beloved.

How do you pick your characters personalities, or looks?

Choosing the heroine and hero is the first step taken before I ever start writing. I chose her name and age—but never what she (or he) looks like. A background is chosen for the character so that I know why she is the way she is where she’s at.

For instance, in writing THE KING’S HIGHWAY, book one in the Days of Dread Trilogy, I decided the ages of the children who would take this journey. The fifteen-year-old big brother would have a younger sister, twelve, and a nine-year-old brother.

Then I chose names: Jackson, McKenzie, and Cooper. For conflict, I decided Jackson wouldn’t be a believer. Their father is an agnostic Marine on duty in the Middle East during the story, and their mother is a Christian as is McKenzie. Cooper hasn’t made any profession but leans toward believing. So, my hero is frequently at odds with his sister.

Having a Marine father he seeks to emulate makes him strong and brave, a demanding disciplinarian. McKenzie loves him greatly and understands her brother doesn’t know Jesus, so she forgives him a lot due to that. His big brother is Cooper’s hero in every sense.

I never describe a character because I want the reader to develop their own “image” of every character. They don’t seem to mind it, if they’re even aware. I haven’t asked them. Of course, when  it comes time to create my cover—which I love to have characters on—the graphic designer and I choose a model, and that’s when I know what my heroine—or hero—really looks like for the first time!    

What are your hobbies other than writing?

I only write for an hour of so every morning, so that aspect of creating a book doesn’t take up much of my day. I enjoy working in the yard and making it beautiful. I’m the one who mows our grass, and I enjoy that, too!

When we moved to The Peaceable, our twenty, wooded acres about five miles south of Clarksville in Northeast Texas, Ron wanted everything around the house left natural. If he couldn’t mow it with his fifteen-foot-wide shredder—pulled by his tractor—it wasn’t going to get mowed.

I lived with that a few years with visitors driving right up to the front porch of the house. It seemed like a Walmart parking lot to me, and I hated it, so I lined the driveway with rocks, made a winding path toward the front door, and mowed the weeds!

I’ve since planted flowers and St. Augustine grass (with my husband’s help) and we have a beautiful yard that made a new UPS driver tewirl down the pebble path (to look at everything) and say how it looked so beautiful like a fairy land. (I don’t truck with fairies, but it was a heartfelt compliment!

I keep it cut with my little fourteen-inch SunJoe battery operated mower that starts with the push of a button. You charge it like your phone. I mow the back around the Pool of Praise (our pond) and on either side of our half mile driveway before you get into the woods with my new zero turn. It’s like a Six Flags’ ride to me!

I also love to sing and paint, but spend the lion’s share of my time at the computer marketing the books. That’s the hardest part of being an author—getting the word out to the world about your books! We need the help of our readers!

What is one thing in your life that you would say has had the greatest impact on your writing? Or in your life in general?

This is the easiest question because ALL my stories are inspired by what Holy Spirit has taught me to be true. It is without any doubt God who has so impacted my life and my writing. My author’s motto is “Praying my story gives God glory!”

My readers who are sweet enough to leave a review often say things about how seamlessly I weave in the Truth of the Father’s Word throughout my stories. Of course, that’s His doing as I am only a vessel who belongs to Him and offers all that I am to advance His Kingdom!

Lastly, what was your favorite book growing up?

As a child, I loved all things having to do with horses. I was obsessive—even after I got my pony Twinkle Toes when I was nine. He rode home in my lap in the backseat of  Daddy’s company car—a baby Shetland.

So I scoured the school library and read every book they had—she even ordered more just for me—then Mama would take me to the public library on Saturdays to check out more horse stories.

My favorite turned out to be BLACK GOLD by Marguerite Henry. It’s a wonderful story of a little black horse who was loyal and so brave. I loved him!


To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 12

Texas Book-aholic, January 13

Inklings and notions, January 14

deb’s Book Review, January 15

For Him and My Family, January 16

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 17

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, January 18 (Spotlight)

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, January 18

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, January 19

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, January 20

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, January 21

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 22

Adventures of a Travelers Wife, January 23 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, January 23

Cats in the Cradle Blog, January 24

For the Love of Literature, January 25 (Author Interview)

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Travelers Wife 4 Life
Travelers Wife 4 Life

Quiet, Quirky, and a Lover of Adventure both indoors and out.

Articles: 566


  1. I enjoyed the interview, and The Kidron Valley sounds like a great fantasy Read! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a sunshiny day!

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