Every Star In The Sky

Every Star In The Sky by Sara Davison. A Romantic Suspense Dealing With Human Trafficking. With a Excerpt from Celebrate Lit!


Book: Every Star in the Sky

Author: Sara Davison

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release date: March 2, 2022

She is willing to testify against her trafficker. If she can stay alive that long.

“You’re safe here, Starr.”

How many times has Detective Cole Blacksky said that to her since helping her escape the life she’d been forced into eight years earlier?

Starr desperately wants to believe him, but she knows Brady Erickson, her former captor, too well. Although Cole has promised her protective custody on his family’s remote ranch, no place on earth is safe enough. Brady will stop at nothing to permanently silence her before she ever reaches the witness stand.

And he is powerful enough to do it.

If Starr wants to help Brady’s other victims, she has no choice but to put herself in God’s hands. And Cole’s. But the longer she and Cole stay hidden, the more her life is at risk.

And her heart.

Read an Excerpt

Starr grabbed her pillow and wrapped her arms around it, trying to repress the intense longings surging up in her. For freedom from captivity. From fear. From having to do things every night that sickened and disgusted her. Most of all, from helplessly watching as the other girls, especially the young, confused ones like Willow, suffered with no hope of their unspeakable degradation ever ending.

What if she could change that—not only for herself but for all of them?

Starr rested her chin on the pillow. Longing was dangerous and, although it had sustained her since the night Brady’s men dragged her here, so was hope. Normally she wouldn’t have given that cop the opportunity to talk to her about what he was thinking of doing. He’d caught her at the right time, though, when her conversation with Willow was fresh on her mind. 

And when she hadn’t eaten in four days.

She’d been weak and vulnerable, or she would never have listened to a word Cole had to say.

Maybe he wouldn’t come back.

More EXCERPTS from Every Star In The Sky!

Excerpt One: https://travelerswife4life.com/every-star-in-the-sky/
Excerpt Two: https://blossomsandblessings.blogspot.com/2022/01/every-star-in-sky-by-sara-davison-epic.html
Excerpt Three: http://montanamade.weebly.com/tell-tale-book-reviews/celebrate-lit-epic-book-launch-every-star-in-the-sky-by-sara-davison
Excerpt Four: https://blissbooksandjewels.com/special-book-feature-excerpt-every-star-in-the-sky-by-sara-davison/
Excerpt Five: http://www.simpleharvestreads.com/posts/every-star-in-the-sky-book-excerpt/
Excerpt Six: https://lakesidelivingsite.wordpress.com/2022/01/22/every-star-in-the-sky-epic-book-launch/
Excerpt Seven: https://guildmaster97.wordpress.com/2022/02/11/every-star-in-the-sky-epic-book-launch/


Sara Davison is the author of four romantic suspense series—The Seven Trilogy, The Night Guardians, The Rose Tattoo Trilogy, and Two Sparrows for a Penny, as well as the standalone, The Watcher. A finalist for more than a dozen national writing awards, she is a Word, Cascade, and Carol Award winner. She currently resides in Ontario with her husband Michael and their three mostly grown kids. Like every good Canadian, she loves coffee, hockey, poutine, and apologizing for no particular reason. Get to know Sara better at www.saradavison.org and @sarajdavison.

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Travelers Wife 4 Life
Travelers Wife 4 Life

Quiet, Quirky, and a Lover of Adventure both indoors and out.

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