Chipper Makes Merry

Chipper Makes Merry by Kimber Fox Morgan. A warm Children's story book! On tour with iRead Book Tours with a guest post + Giveaway!


Book Title:  Chipper Makes Merry by Kimber Fox Morgan
Category: Children’s Fictions (Ages 3-7)
Genre: Children’s Picture Book
Publisher:  Simple Wonder Press, 34 pages
Release date:  October 2021
Format available for review:  Print softback, ebook (PDF)
Will send print books out:  USA
Tour dates: October 4 to October 29, 2021
Content Rating:  Rated G – Suitable for All Ages
Book Description:

A “Mom’s Choice Award Winner”!

Tip toe, tip toe, crackle, crunch!

​Chipper the Fox sneaks through the forest to spread cheer to his weary friends. Will his merry making be a success? Or will a smelly fish disaster and a log pile tumble ruin his plans?

“Chipper Makes Merry” takes you on Chipper’s arctic quest filled with lessons of love, kindness and determination.


Morgan is a fun wife, and imperfect mom of 3 crazy kiddos and 2 little lemon (problematic) dogs. She tries to live her strengths the best she can. She likes to say she is creative, not crafty. Morgan is a homemade Halloween costume type of mom. She lets her kids mix the play doh. She bakes fun birthday cakes (cutely, but far from perfection). She loves a homemade valentine and a school project. Chipper the Fox is an extension of Morgan’s creative strength. Originally designed as character to create merry during the holiday season, Chipper has grown and developed into a story of determination and love.

Connect with the author: website ~ instagram  ~facebook


Covid Quarantine Snacks for Writing

Living in the era of the COVID pandemic has been quite a whirlwind.

Life has changed drastically.

There are new challenges and new fears for everyone. I would never make light of anyone’s hardships or tragedy during the past few years. However, I have found some unseen benefits of this period. I think all of us are home more. Yes, people have gone back to school and work, but the pace still feels different and a little slower. I have welcomed that. Being home more and slowing my step has really given me more time to concentrate on my favorite pastimes, including binge watching TV, reading in a quiet corner, and writing at my computer. The slower pace of the world has allowed me to slow down and enjoy the things I really do love. What I also have loved are the snacks I refamiliarized with during that first lockdown quarantine in spring of 2020. I thought they would be short-lived loves and I would move past them. I thought in 10 years when I picked up those snacks, it would remind me of being home with my kids, watching a movie and doing a puzzle, as those were the activities that took place in my house.

Unfortunately, I have not let go of my snacks!

They have become more of an obsession than ever, and I have moved them from COVID snacks to writing snacks. They are the things I munch on when I need a brain break from the computer. First, my coffee consumption has gone from love to a DEEP love. After my pot is complete, my next break will include chicken salad, then Reese’s Pieces and/or Terra Chips. I have always been a healthy eater, but I can not break away from these vices. I thought for a little bit about trying to break that habit, but what is the point, really? I do not overly binge, and they make me happy. Shouldn’t that count for something? I am embarrassed to say they have become pantry staples, rather than the occasional whim purchase. I do try to balance my snacks with broccoli and salad, but I find that I’m a happier writer with a little peanut butter and chocolate!

When life throws you a curve ball, like a pandemic, I hope you can slow down too… and find some good snacks!




A lovely book about kindness!

I loved how Kimber Fox Morgan took this little Fox and used him as a lesson in caring for our friends, showing kindness to those around us, and being selfless.

Chipper Fox is a beautiful fox. He is swift and sweet, kind, and caring. Chipper Fox tries his best through the long winter months to help his friends feel loved and warm, but nothing seems to go as he planned, yet he never gives up. A great many lessons are packed into this wonderful little book.

The Illustrations were BEAUTIFUL and so engaging. I loved how the illustrator, Kim Sponaugle, used the whole page as a canvas and filled it in such a way that your eyes continually move from one spot to the next. As if you are truly following Chipper Fox on his kindness journey!

A beautiful winter story full of friends, perseverance, and genuine kindness. So, grab some hot chocolate, a blanket, and (a furry friend or two!) then read this cute book. I loved it, 5 stars.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.



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Travelers Wife 4 Life
Travelers Wife 4 Life

Quiet, Quirky, and a Lover of Adventure both indoors and out.

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