Book Spotlight: Night Songs

Book Spotlight: Night Songs by Jennifer Sienes. A Women’s Christian Fiction/ Romance on Spotlight Tour with Celebrate Lit.
Night Songs

About the Book

Book: Night Songs

Author: Jennifer Sienes

Genre: Women’s Christian Fiction/ Romance

Release date: April 12, 2022

What’s a girl to do when her life sounds ripped from the lyrics of a country music song?

Charlotte Van Cleave’s hissy-fit reaction to her husband’s infidelity sours her world like a pot of boiled chitlins. She’s left with no husband, no job, and no home—well, besides the dilapidated farmhouse inherited from her nana.

But Charlie learned early that southern girls dig deep when things go sideways. She’d climbed out of the mire when her missionary parents were killed in Congo, endured two late-term miscarriages, and survived the death of her nana and papaw. Too poor to paint and too proud to whitewash, Charlie follows a new path with her interior design skills.

Derek Daniels spent his life serving his country until a helicopter accident ended his military career. Now back home on the family farm, he’s stuck between his philandering brother, Nicky, and the only girl he’s ever loved—sweet Charlie Van Cleave. Unwilling to cross a line, he vows to keep his feelings to himself. Easier said than done when Charlie discovers a mystery surrounding her parents’ death and asks him to help investigate.

What’ll Charlie and Derek have to do to turn those lyrics into a country hit?


No amount of makeup could hide my red-rimmed eyes, and there wasn’t a pill known to man to mend a broken marriage. Mine had melted away like homemade ice cream in the hot Tennessee sun the moment I caught Nick in bed with another one of his groupies.

As cold air blasted from the car vents, I dared one last look at my image in the visor. I’d concealed as much pain as possible behind a mask of foundation and mascara, and there wasn’t a strand of highlighted hair out of place. If the good Lord was with me, no one would see past the artifice. Then again, if the good Lord was with me, I wouldn’t have been in this position to begin with. If I could just get through the day, I’d have time to fall apart later. What was Scarlett O’Hara’s famous line? I’ll think about it tomorrow.

I climbed from the Lexus and smoothed the wrinkles from my yellow linen dress before heading toward the back door of Nashville’s Downtown Decor. The humidity and bass-drumbeat of my heart made breathing a chore, and, for once, I welcomed the air-conditioned chill of the showroom.

More Excerpts for Night Songs:

Excerpt One:
Excerpt Two:
Excerpt Three:
Excerpt Four:
Excerpt Five:
Excerpt Six:
Excerpt Seven:

About the Author

Jennifer Sienes holds a bachelor’s in psychology and a master’s in education, but discovered life-experience is the best teacher. She loves Jesus, romance and writing—and puts it altogether in inspirational contemporary fiction. Her daughter’s TBI and brother’s suicide inspired two of her three novels. Although fiction writing is her real love, she’s had several non-fiction pieces published in anthologies including several in Chicken Soup for the Soul. She has two grown children and one very spoiled Maltese. California born and raised, she recently took a step of faith with her real-life hero and relocated to Tennessee.

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