Author Interview: Your Finances God’s Way by Scott LaPierre

Your Finances God's Way JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for the Your Finances God’s Way book and workbook by Scott LaPierre, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Your Finances God's Way

Title: Your Finances God’s Way
Author: Scott LaPierre
Publisher: Harvest House
Release Date: May 3, 2022
Genre: Christian living – nonfiction

Experience the Peace that Comes with Wise Stewardship

Financial insecurity can be one of the greatest threats to your well-being—but the good news is that even if you’re on a tight income, you can eliminate many of your monetary worries when you create and abide by a biblical plan for your spending.
In Your Finance’s God’s Way, you’ll identify the negative money management habits you need to break and the positive habits that should take their place. Implementing the teaching laid out in the Bible, this book gives you advice and practical steps backed by proven principles, helping you
 • get the most out of your money by paying off debt and building up savings
 • make wise spending decisions that enable you to avoid anxiety, regret, and conflict
 • find a healthy balance between being financially frivolous and frugal to a fault
Even when you have less to spend, you can use what God has provided to thrive. Whether you’re young or old, married or single, working or staying at home, Your Finances God’s Way will give you everything you need to be a careful steward of the resources you’ve received from the Lord.

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | IndieBound | Christianbook | BookBub



Scott LaPierre

Scott LaPierre is a senior pastor, author, and popular conference speaker. He holds an MA in biblical studies from Liberty University. Scott and his wife, Katie, live in Washington State, and God has blessed them with nine children. Learn more about Pastor Scott at his website,, and connect with him on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.

CONNECT WITH SCOTT: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


Which of your Published or Unpublished books is your favorite, and why?

My favorite book, which is published, is Your Marriage God’s Way, because of the topic. Over the last 15 years I have preached (and written) on many different areas of the Bible, and marriage is probably my favorite.

I also have a strong desire to see marriages strengthened, so whenever copies of Your Marriage God’s Way, the book and workbook, are sold it blesses me. I tell myself that God is hopefully using this material to help a husband and wife’s relationship resemble Christ and the church.

A few years ago God open the door for me to start putting on marriage conferences and it is one of my joys. I love preaching and teaching on marriage as much now as I did years ago.

What is your favorite genre to read? And why is it your favorite?

My favorite genre to read is Christian nonfiction, and more specifically Bible commentaries. Part of the reason is practical and the other part is preference. The practical reason is more of my ministry is spent preparing sermons than doing anything else and commentaries help me better understand God’s word. The preferential part is that I simply love the Bible and I am always encouraged when I am able to understand it better, which commentaries help accomplish.

What inspires you the most?

I am probably most inspired by seeing Christians endure trials well and be faithful in difficult circumstances…which is basically what it means to endure trials well. As a pastor I have seen some people suffer terribly, and I don’t think many things please the Lord more than seeing these people bear up under suffering any Christ honoring way. Here’s part of my book, Enduring Trials God’s Way, which explains this a little better:

“A few years ago I was experiencing a trial, and this is part of a message one of my heroes, Dave Zumstein, sent me:

‘It may seem glorious to you to be a mighty man leading mighty men into battle. I think it is glorious to God to see a man quietly, but strongly, striving to fight the good fight amidst difficult times. When the call comes for difficult times, oh that we might be that type of man.’

Dave knew I was an Army officer, so he drew upon something I could appreciate—the contrast between physical and spiritual warfare. Yes, from an earthly perspective, little is more impressive than courageously risking your life in battle. Although, from heaven’s perspective, little is more impressive than enduring trials in a God-honoring way. I try to remember the above quote during trials, hoping that by God’s grace, I might persevere in a way that pleases Him.”

Once an idea takes root, how long does it take you to write it down? Do you use outlines?

My books come from my sermons, so I will probably answer this differently than most people. I generally look at a passage of Scripture and write down notes on the verses. Once I begin to see a theme develop, or as you said take root, I am usually about halfway done with the sermon. Considering sermons take three days, I suppose it is about 1 ½ days to get it finished after I can tell the direction I am going with the message.

I know many pastors use outlines, but I have never really found them beneficial for my sermons. Although, for my books, I have found outlines to be invaluable. They allow me to determine how the content will be arranged, the structure of the chapters, and the overall flow of the book. I don’t know how authors would write without them.

What are your hobbies other than writing?

I have nine children, and so honestly, between pastoring, authoring, and speaking, I don’t have much time for hobbies. Although, I do enjoy playing chess. When I’m not working I also enjoy spending time with my wife and children. We like traveling to speaking engagements together and meeting new people.

What is one thing you would say has had the greatest impact on your writing?

A few years ago someone told me that writing is a craft to be improved. I had always thought of writing more as a gift than something that can be enhanced through practice. But this person was right, because I’ve noticed my writing improving with time and effort. I think everyone should be writing as a skill that when taken seriously can really benefit from diligence and practice.


(1) winner will receive a $100 Amazon gift card and a signed copy of the Your Finances God’s Way book and workbook!

Your Finances God's Way JustRead Giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight May 9, 2022 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on May 16, 2022. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. Books US only, Amazon gift card where available. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.


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  1. Fantastic interview, Scott, your book sounds like a very helpful book, good luck with your book and I hope the tour was a success! Thanks for brining it to my attention and have a sunshiny day!

  2. Thank you for sharing your interview, your book sounds like it will be an excellent guide for me

  3. thank you for the interview. I can see where you wouldnt have time for a hobby. May I suggest that sometime you find something other than what you do now. In the future you will want something that you can fiddle with. My mother in law never took up a hobby, and now that she is in a home she gets bored a lot. Can only read so much at a time. Granted she is now 89 by this has been going on for years. Just something that the family is taking to heart now that we see what is happening to my MIL Thank you so much for writing this book and work book

  4. Kimmie,
    Thank you for sharing about Your Finances God’s Way!
    I am praying God uses the book and workbook to exalt Christ and help people manage their finances well.
    If anyone listens to this episode and has any questions or I can pray for you in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me through the contact page on my website:

    In Christ,
    Scott LaPierre

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