Wondering Wednesday

In collaboration with The Bakers Perspective over the next couple weeks, I will be doing a Wondering Wednesday so you can get to know me better, and so I can hopefully meet some of you!

This week’s prompt is: What made you start blogging?

Friendship. That is what made me start blogging. Books are my friends and I love talking about them, but I have never been good at writing down my thoughts on them. So, I decided to challenge myself and review every (well almost every) book I read. When I found Celebrate Lit on one of the Facebook groups that I am apart of, I knew that it would be a good way to hold myself accountable with this goal. Plus, it is a way for me to meet new people and make friends which I love doing. I crave a community with people, and in my husband’s line of work, it can be tricky to make friends. One of my goals in blogging is to create a community of readers who can share their thoughts on new and old books. As well as, to share my love of reading with others, and hopefully inspire the next generation to learn to love reading as I do.

I love all types of books, Christian ones, that is. Or at least ones that are clean. From mysteries to romcoms and everything in between! I have even started reading speculative fiction this past year thanks to one of my favorite authors starting to write in that genre. It has quickly become a new favorite. In all honesty, I have yet to find a genre that I do not like. My favorite type of book is thought-provoking ones or books that have applicable life lessons in them.

Social media growth over the last few years has helped connect me with some truly amazing readers and authors. I am so blessed by this new avenue of learning about new books. One of my favorite things to do is look through Instagram pictures and imagine the thoughts of the reader on the other side of the photo, as the old saying goes “a picture is worth 1,000 words”.

What are your favorite ways to connect with the people around you? Do you blog or use other social media? How do you find your next book?


The Travelers Wife




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Travelers Wife 4 Life
Travelers Wife 4 Life

Quiet, Quirky, and a Lover of Adventure both indoors and out.

Articles: 573


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