Marriage Matters – Celebrate Lit


About the Book


Book: Marriage Matters

Author: Cheri Swalwell

Genre: Non-fiction/Christian Biblical Marriage

Release Date: November 22, 2019

Marriage joins two imperfect people who pledge to love, honor, and commit to each other for life. Eleven couples graciously chose to share their stories within the pages of this book because they believe in the sanctity of marriage. None of the couples are perfect, but they come alongside you and your spouse with experience and encouragement as you pray about how to live out your own marriage. Some of the couples work in full-time ministry, others have chosen the military as their career. Some couples have faced the issue of infertility while others have had to deal with sickness or death. Some couples have been remarried, others married later in life, and others have dealt with seemingly more than any one couple should have to face in a lifetime. All of the couples have one thing in common – their love for God and their commitment to marriage God’s way.Grab your favorite beverage in a comfy chair and get ready to be encouraged. Buy your own copy today, and one for a friend, because Marriage Matters!

Click here for your copy!

My Thoughts

What a neat book!

I loved all the different perspectives in this book. Each couple’s story was interesting to read, they all had different experiences, and they overcame different things. What I enjoyed though, was reading about how they interacted with each other. Each couple’s conversation was uplifting and an interesting view into the lives of people who have been married for many years. It was not just pastors either, it was regular people, from all different walks of life. From Pastors, Military, and remarried couples, each couple all had some great stories to share. Marriage Matters was written almost in an interview type-style and lead to some good conversations between my husband and I. Truly a good book to read when you want to see some different perspectives on the topic of married life.

My favorite quote:

“God moved us around to different states and cultures, refining us, to make us fit for the ministries He had for us all along, and as we walked the path, He gave us many experiences to grow us.”

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the great conversations, the interactions between the couples, and for the wealth of information packed in between these pages.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

About the Author


Cheri Swalwell is a Christ follower who thoroughly enjoys her calling to be a wife, mother, and writer, in that order. Cheri loves to encourage people through her Spoken from the Heart devotionals, Bible study Caring for the Caregiver and other compilation books dealing with the subjects of miscarriage and cancer. For a full list of books and where they are sold visit If you want to sign up to her newsletter to stay updated on all the latest news, you will also receive a full-length devotional free, as her way of saying thanks for joining!

More from Cheri

Back in 2007, long before writing was even on my radar, I had a conversation with God about writing a book that would offer hope to those who had lost a child. We had lost our baby the December prior, and I needed to know I would smile again someday. Little did I know that conversation 12 years ago would result in a series of compilation books encouraging others about various topics. The first one, Hope During Heartache was published in 2014, and it’s 13 different men and women’s stories about how they found hope after dealing with the death of a child.

In early 2015, I had another conversation with God and asked Him … “What’s next? Do You have any other compilation books you’d like me to share with others to bring encouragement?” In 2018, Peace During the Pain was published (a book about how to find peace after the diagnosis of cancer) which is 12 different men and women’s stories either about their own personal journey or the journey of a family member.

The goal for 2020 is to publish Joy During the Journey, a compilation of people who have found joy despite living with chronic illness.

During my 2015 conversation, I asked God if He would allow me to write a compilation book about a “happier” topic than death, cancer, and chronic illness. And in His goodness, He said yes! That is when He told me I could write about the topic of marriage, a topic I truly love because being married and having children has always been my heart’s desire. Not only do I get to share encouragement, support, and wisdom from 11 different couples with you in this book, an added bonus is that one of the couples is my parents, another is my youth pastor and his wife, whom I’ve admired for over 25+ years, and yet another is my present pastor and his wife. All three of these couples have significantly modeled biblical marriage for me throughout the years. But that’s not all. There are also military couples, couples who have suffered circumstances no couple should ever have to face, and new friends I’ve met through the writing of this book. I believe you will enjoy as much as I have the encouragement and wisdom from each and every couple who took the time to share a little about their life with you. I’m excited to share the stories between these pages … so sit back, grab your favorite beverage and be prepared to get encouraged!

Blog Stops

For Him and My Family, May 2

Texas Book-aholic, May 3

Artistic Nobody, May 4 (Author Interview)

Bigreadersite, May 5

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 6

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, May 7

Simple Harvest Reads, May 8 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, May 8

deb’s Book Review, May 9

Inklings and notions, May 10

Book of Ruth Ann, May 11

Through the Fire Blogs, May 12 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 13

Adventures of a Travelers Wife, May 14

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 15



To celebrate her tour, Cheri is giving away the grand prize of a $15 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Click Here to Enter


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