About Love and the Dream Come True

Author: Tammy L. Gray
Series: State of Grace Trilogy, Book 3
The Anticipated Series Finale to the 2021 Carol Award-Winning Novel, Love and a Little White Lie
Their faith will face its toughest test yet.
“Cameron and Lexie’s chemistry is palpable, and readers will root for their happily ever after. This tender tale hits all the right notes.”—Publishers Weekly
Some of Tammy L. Gray’s Favorite Quotes
From Love and The Dream Come True:
What I never considered, even once, is what happens after the dream comes true.
“The only person you can control, Lexie, is you. Don’t spend your life as a grumbling spectator in someone else’s story.”
Tragedy, loss, victories. They all shape you, either positively or negatively, and often it’s your choice which one.
I hadn’t seen how much I’d really lost on my journey to fame. My integrity. My
conviction. Each one was handed over again and again with choices I did not have to make.
“My mom used to tell me to be grateful for the little things in life. That when you add them all together, they are much grander than the big things we think we need.”
“If I’ve learned anything, Morgan, it’s that life is made up of a whole bunch of should’ves. But I’ve yet to find a time machine to change any one of them. Or a crystal ball to prevent more in the future. My advice is simply to learn. Learn from every moment and hope that as you do, the should’ves get further and further apart.”
Cameron encompasses his surroundings. Feels everything and everyone. An artist who breathes in the world and breathes out a song.
Funny how loss sometimes only comes after seeing what you’ve tossed aside.
I focus, work to separate the notes, figure out why they feel tangled. It’s what I do best, deconstruct and reconstruct sound. Mold it, caress it, lovingly place it where it belongs. It’s artistry, like a jeweler with fine metals.
Being loved was all I’d ever wanted. I searched for it in so many wrong places, had begged for it from people who didn’t feel the way I wanted them to. And now it’s been given to me freely by a person who still feels like a gift from heaven.
About Tammy L. Gray
8/23/2022 |
Guest Post |
8/23/2022 |
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