What Inspires you? How Sweet it is by Andrea Christenson

How Sweet It Is JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for How Sweet It Is by Andrea Christenson, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

How Sweet It Is by Andrea Christenson

Title: How Sweet It Is
Series: Fox Bakery #1
Author: Andrea Christenson
Publisher: Sunrise Publishing
Release Date: July 18, 2023
Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance

Sometimes the sweetest moments in life are made from the most familiar and ordinary ingredients.
Robin Fox is living out her dreams working in a gourmet bakery in Paris. She thought she’d live there forever, but when her relationship with her boss sours, those dreams crumble. She finds herself back home in Deep Haven, Minnesota, caring for her grandparents’ rundown bakery while they’re away. But she vows that when they return in six weeks, she’ll trade this ordinary life for the one she left behind. Sammy Johnson has never gotten traction in any area of his life. This hasn’t improved in the almost two years since the accident which nearly killed him. Although his heart is still beating, it contains little passion for the life he’s living in Deep Haven. But that begins to change when he offers to help his former high school friend, Robin. Working together to keep Fox Bakery from going under, they find more than friendship is simmering between them. But when the six weeks are up, will Robin follow her old dreams back to the glamor of Paris or will she discover how sweet it is to be loved in Deep Haven? Return to Deep Haven with the Fox Family, where Robin and Sammy find that small town life isn’t ordinary after all.

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | BookBub

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About the Author

Andrea Christenson

Andrea Christenson lives in the Midwest with her husband and two daughters. When she is not busy homeschooling her girls, she loves to read anything she can get her hands on, bake bread, eat cheese, and watch Netflix—though not usually all at the same time. Andrea’s prayer is to write stories revealing God’s love.

Connect with Andrea by visiting andreachristenson.com to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Read a Guest Post from Andrea about what inspires her to write!

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will win a paperback copy of How Sweet It Is and a $10 Gift Card to the Sunrise Shop!

How Sweet It Is JustRead Tours giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight July 17, 2023 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on July 24, 2023. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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From Andrea Christenson:

I grew up on a hillside in the driftless region of Western Wisconsin. The property my parents owned was mainly a rolling forest filled with pine and birch and mighty oak trees. Those tree-sheltered hills and valleys formed a magical place to explore and imagine. My siblings and I spent countless hours traipsing through those woods, fighting dragons, solving mysteries, and playing hide-and-seek with the sunbeams flickering through the leaves.

Every spring we picked wildflowers and every fall we’d gather acorns. We built forts in between fallen logs and hideaways in stands of brush and lookouts high in the trees. Our imagination sparked and jumped to life when we stepped out our front door. We would travel thousands of miles in our minds each day and then return to the safety of my mother’s warm kitchen at home when the sky grew dark at night.

Writing a novel can feel something like spending time in my family’s forest. Early in the process as you walk out the door, the possibilities are endless. Imagination begins sparking and the story can go anywhere. Soon you head in the general direction of where you want to end up. Sure, there are some rabbit trails along the way, but eventually you stop, and under the sheltering branches of an overhanging Maple, you get down to business.

Just like pushing together fallen logs to make a fort can be difficult, sweaty, bruising work, pushing together words and ideas and characters can be overwhelming. But the end result is magical. Something constructed where only chaos reigned before. A place where imagination takes on wings.

Some days play was hard work and that’s how I feel about writing. Some days it is a slog through the mud on a rain drenched hill and the work almost, almost doesn’t seem worth it.

But then, sometimes it is picking wildflowers under dappled sunlight on a perfect summer day. The words pour out easily and the page fills with meaning.

In either case, on any given day, whether the play is work or the work is play I wouldn’t trade this job for the world.

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