Children’s Picture Book Spotlight

Children's Picture Book Spotlight, Kip The Letter X by Kim Patrick & Spartan and the Green Egg by Nabila Khashoggi via iRead Book Tours
Children's Picture Book Spotlight

Celebrate the Release of a new Children’s Picture Book!

Book Details:

Book Title:  Kip the Letter X by Kim Patrick
Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7),  36 pages
Genre: Children’s Book
Publisher:  Full Cycle Publications
Release date:  June 2020
Tour dates: June 7 to June 25, 2021
Content Rating:  G.

Book Description:

Kip the Letter X searches far and wide trying to find his purpose.

Meet the Author of Kip the Letter X

Kim Patrick was born in England, raised in Britain and South Africa, and now lives in the United States. She loves animals, books, films, the letter X, and much of the rest of the alphabet.

Connect with the author:  website ~ twitter ~ goodreads

A little More From Author Kim Patrick

What is Kip the Letter X about?

Kip is the letter X in the alphabet, but he’s very, very sad. He doesn’t think being an X is a good thing and longs to be maybe the letter O, or the letter S, because they are more popular. Through a series of events he learns that being someone he is not does not make him happy at all, and in the end embraces who he is.

What inspired you to write Kip the Letter X?

Everyday I see people, mostly on social media!, trying to be someone they are not. I mean, no one lives life happy 24/7, but that’s what everyone sees when they go onto their socials. Life is not always like that and I wanted to show kids that it is okay to be who they are and that they don’t have to look or act or be something other than who they are.

How long have you been writing?

I liked to make up stories when I was younger to entertain friends and family members. I guess I’ve always been a storyteller, so it was a natural step to move into the written word.

What is the most difficult part about writing for you?

Deciding it is finished. I remember reading once that art is never finished, but merely pauses in a good place. That helped me to finally decide the book was finished and needed to go to the publisher.

What’s the most important element of good writing?

Having characters that a reader can relate to and enjoy.

Check out another Children’s Picture Book: 

Book Details:
Book Title:  Spartan and the Green Egg by Nabila Khashoggi
Category:  Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12),  95 pages
Genre: Children’s Adventure: Graphic Novel
Publisher:  Full Cycle Publications
Release date:  January 20, 2021
Tour dates: June 7 to June 25, 2021
Content Rating:  G.

Book Description:

In Book 5, Land of The Midnight Sun, Egg, the friendly live alien spaceship, creatively uses an enchanting art gallery to reveal the young adventurers’ next destination. Spartan, Katie, Max, Tor, and Grimm find themselves in Greenland, home to some of the biggest glaciers on earth, and known as The Land of the Midnight Sun because, in summer, the sun never sets. Greenland’s vast and daunting landscape is almost completely covered with ice and snow.

With the help of some friendly Greenland sled dogs, they arrive in the charming village of Siorapaluk and befriend a young Inuit, Malik, and his family. They soon learn that Malik’s father and his group have gone missing while on an expedition. The team goes in search of them, at their own risk. Before long, they are caught up in a treacherous avalanche and trapped on a glacier that has broken off from the mainland. Hope arrives from a powerful source as they bear witness to an astonishing and beautiful miracle from the Earth’s living creatures.

About the Author of Spartan and the Green Egg

When her eldest son was a toddler, Nabila used to entertain him with made-up stories about a boy who traveled the world inside a live green egg that just so happened to be an alien from another planet. She turned the tales into a colorful children¹s graphic novel series, Spartan and the Green Egg, with the intention of introducing children to environmental and cultural themes around the world.

A portion of all proceeds from the Spartan and the Green Egg book series, toys and accessories is donated to The Children for Peace ONLUS. Based in Italy, this non-governmental organization helps young people worldwide who are living in challenging circumstances obtain their essential needs such as food, medical help and educational opportunities. Nabila currently lives in New York and has two sons.

connect with the author: website ~ twitter ~ facebook ~ pinterest

More From Nabila Khashoggi

How did you come up with the idea for your Spartan & the Green Egg series?

This series sprang from my bedtime stories to my son, Spartan, when he was very young. One of his favorite toys was a beautiful green egg. He took it everywhere! So, hard pressed for a bedtime story I made up stories about the egg. It kind of spiraled out of control and one night my husband made the off-handed comment that I should put them into a book format. And, here we are, five books later!

What are the books about?

The Spartan & the Green Egg books all focus on different places around the world, the culture and any environmental issues the country is facing. I wanted to not only entertain young readers, but also to start them thinking about global responsibility and tolerance for others.

How many books are in the series?

Well, right now there are only 5 that are out, but I have outlined and planned for at least 10. But, you know there are so many places around the world that meet that criteria we could conceivably go way beyond 10!

What age child would like this book?

I initially wrote these books as graphic novels to interest reluctant readers ranging in age from 6-8. But, I’ve heard from quite a few parents that they also enjoy reading them with their children as well!

I noticed that the money you make from the sale of the SGE series all goes to a children’s charity?

Yes! I’m very involved with a group based out of Italy called The Children for Peace. The proceeds from 100% of the sale of the books goes to helping children in impoverished areas build schools, obtain the school books or supplies they need to live a better life, or provide medical relief.

Giveaway for a Copy of the Children’s Picture Book’s 

Enter to win a signed copies of KIP THE LETTER X and SPARTAN AND THE GREEN EGG!
(10 winners/USA only)
(ends July 5)

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