70+ Creative Bookstagram Post Ideas for Book Lovers

Bookstagram post ideas. The struggle is real with constantly coming up with new ideas!

Bookstagram post ideas. The struggle is real with constantly coming up with new ideas! I think you are probably here to get ideas for your bookstagram feed that help you showcase book-related content in a new way right? Well, here are 70+ ideas that you can tweak to easily suit your reading preferences (and if you tag me in your post I’ll share them too! @TravelersWife4life). These are all ideas you can reuse over and over again but that gives your bookstagram community a comfort zone to look forward to. 

Bookstagram Post Ideas

Creative Re-useable Bookstagram Post Ideas

  1. A monthly wrap-up is a good way to have something new to share and it helps you keep track of what you read which month, and why YOU liked the books you read. I tend to treat it as a digital diary of books I read (but only the highlights).
  2. Star ratings are always easy, you just take a photo looking at a few bookcovers (or their spines) and add stars above it. No need to do anything else, you don’t have to explain your rating.
  3. Last, Current, Next. This is one I try to do every week; it shows off a wide array of books and is not complicated to do. Just stack your books in order (Last Read, Current Read, Next Read), point the camera at it, and take a handful of photos for a carousel post; and FYI you can post carousel posts on Youtube, Pinterest, Tiktok, Instagram, and my recent favorite Lemon8.
  4. Book Reviews. I do short one, take five things you liked about the book and post it. This type of interactive content can generate discussions and add depth to your book reviews. It can also be a great way for you to get book review requests and help your favorite author continue writing. 
  5. End of the day. This one is really a motivational and conversational post, it gets people thinking about what they are going to read once they get home for the day, and allows you to post a photo of your read of the day.
  6. New Book. Everyone loves to look at pretty new book covers. So, when you get some physical book mail take a moment to show your audience your new the new cover, everyone loves looking at pretty covers.
  7. Favorite genres. This one can be endless. I always love genre roundups because there are simply SO many different books being published that I cannot see them all and I usually end up finding something new to add to my list every time I see someone make a genre rec post. Just grab a stack of your favorite books in a specific genre and hold them up in front of your reading nook and snap a picture. I’ve seen some totally awesome ones done that have definitely increased my TBR list. 
  8. Past year. For this one grab a few of the best books you’ve read in either the past month, last 6 months, or last year (really do all three!) hold them up and show them off. You can also do a mini-review of each as well.
  9. Last book. An aesthetic photo collection of the last book you read. This one can be so fun! Just be sure you use FREE public images from places like Pixabay, Unsplash, or Pexels; Note if you just grab images from places like Pinterest or Canva there can be licensing issues.
  10. Best Thing ___. This idea is straightforward, take the Harry Potter series for example. I’ve seen several people hold up the books and say this is the best thing about Harry Potter ___, i.e. It started my reading addiction, it was the first book I remember reading, etc. Just take the photo and add some bullet points or arrows.
  11. Next Book. This one can be fun and help you interact with your audience. Grab three books you would like to read next set them down in front of you then show them on camera and ask your bookstagram friends to choose your next read for you!
  12. Closer look. This one is especially good if you have a physical copy or special edition, it’s a way to capture the audience’s attention. Show off the front, back, and any cool inside details of your book (like maps or author notes that are presented in an interesting way). Bonus points if it is from a book box as that will often help you get noticed by them.
  13. Lots of Images. I LOVE this one when I don’t have a ton of time to film videos that week, I just snap a dozen photos of the book I’m currently reading (or going to start, or even the one I just finished) and ask a question like, If you could read any of these books which one would you choose? 
  14. Bookstore photos. This one is a great way to support your local bookstores. You can take your followers on a bookstore tour of your favorite bookstores in your area!
  15. Children’s books. I know not everyone reads them but what ones did you enjoy growing up? This is a great way to find common ground with your followers. You could also do this idea with middle school or Ya books as well.
  16. Book Swap or Book Gifting. Consider organizing a book swap or book gifting event among your followers. This interactive initiative encourages bookstagrammers to exchange books they love and wish to share with others. These acts of kindness can create a sense of community and build connections among your followers.
  17. Funny. One of my favorite things to do is to make people smile. So, I found a bunch of Bookish puns on Book Riot and Books Beans and Botany and made a series of posts with them and you can too!
  18. Book Haul and TBR lists. Book hauls and TBR (To Be Read) lists are classic bookstagram content that never gets old. Whether you’ve just returned from a bookstore or received a stack of new books in the mail, sharing your hauls and lists can generate excitement among your followers. Additionally, creating TBR lists for upcoming months allows you to keep track of what books you plan to read and when your goal of completing them is 😊.
  19. Seasonal. Select your book recommendations to coincide with the seasons or holidays that are upcoming. For example, curate a list of spooky reads for Halloween or heartwarming stories for the holiday season. Seasonal book recommendations are not only relevant and engaging but they also show your personality.
  20. Bookish DIY & Crafts. Get creative with bookish DIYs and crafts that reflect your love for reading. You can create bookmarks, book sleeves, or bookish-themed decorations. Sharing your craft projects in reels can be a fun way to connect to other readers and inspire them to create too. I’ve made a few posts with featuring my bookish crafts like my Book Bouquet
  21. Books that make you Cry or Laugh. Feature books that stir strong emotions in you, whether the books make you cry, laugh, or experience any other intense emotions. Sharing vulnerable moments with your audience helps establish genuine connections and encourages them to share their own experiences. Because admit it we’ve all been on a roller coaster of emotion for one reason or another just by reading a book.
  22. Bookish Bucket List Adventures: Create a post showcasing your bookish bucket list adventures. This can include visits to bookstores, libraries, literary landmarks, or attending book events and author signings. Take your followers along on these journeys and inspire them to create their own book-related bucket lists.
  23. Bookish Discussions: Start bookish discussions in your posts by posing thought-provoking questions or sharing your opinions on literary topics. For example, ask your audience about their favorite book-to-movie adaptations, book cover designs, or bookish pet peeves. Encourage engagement and interaction by inviting your followers to share their thoughts and experiences in the comments.
  24. Book Recommendations from Non-Readers: Collaborate with your best friend, family members, or followers who aren’t avid readers and have them recommend books that they enjoyed or found impactful. Capture their honest and refreshing perspectives in a reel, showing that books have the power to resonate with diverse audiences.

Social media managers over the past several years have had a lot of trial and error on the type of posts that are working. Is it truly reels? Static posts? Carousel posts? A combination of all three? New accounts pop up all the time and become overnight successes, but what makes a bookstagram account memorable? It’s not just reading all the popular new releases, it’s the bookstagrammers who show you themselves and let you a little bit into their lives in a vulnerable way.

Want to create more videos, but constantly run out of ideas? Check out this FREE downloadable list!

Bookstagram Post Ideas to Start conversations

A fun way to show off your sense of style and build relationships with your audience is to show your obsessions or fandoms by starting conversations about why YOU liked (or Didn’t like) a book.

  1. Dress up as your favorite character. Jane Austen is a popular historical fiction character I have seen depicted all over Instagram reels and posts. You can share your favorite book or quote dressed up as your favorite character.
  2. Similar Reads. This one is a good one for book comparison. Take your favourite author and find books in the same genre or trope and say, “If you liked this book then you’ll love this one because___”. It’s an easy one to fall back on and repeat.
  3. Contemporary Fiction. This one can cover a LOT of ground. So, I tend to break this one down by sub-genre or trope specific. Show off a favorite genre that you could read repeatedly or a trope you can’t stand.
  4. Friends’ Posts. This one is a way to show your friends you care and a way to create more of a community (it helps open the door for conversation and collaboration). Share your friends’ posts in your stories.
  5. New Readers. This one is great for showing off your style to new readers. Show off your favorite bookshelf and say something to the effect of “if you liked these we should be friends.”
  6. Reading Journey. This one can be a compilation of your past bookstagram posts/reels, or you can show how your style of reading has evolved, i.e., show your favorite books from when you were in school to now.
  7. Comment section (FAQs). This is an interesting one, I’ve only seen it done well a few times. With this prompt, you go back through your comments and create a post based on people’s comments. Now you won’t have that many questions starting, however, you WILL get them. Create a set of posts that answer frequently asked questions from your followers. Address questions about your reading habits, favorite genres, or how you organize your bookshelves.
  8. Engage your followers with bookish games and trivia. For example, you can play “Guess the Book” based on brief descriptions or cover images. This is always fun to do and encourages participation and foster a sense of camaraderie among your followers.
  9. Free Time. Show people what you do in your “free time”. Do you go to bookstores? Organize your shelves, or rearrange your tbr pile? This is a way to show your audience YOU. This is best done off the cuff and unrehearsed.
  10. Bookish Quotes. Sprinkle your posts with bookish quotes or inspirational messages related to reading and books. These simple yet impactful posts can resonate with your followers and help you find a bookish community of like-minded followers.
  11. Collage & Aesthetics. Experiment with collages and aesthetic posts to create visually appealing content. You can compile images, quotes, and book covers to craft carousel posts that tell a story or evoke emotions. Aesthetic posts can showcase your artistic flair and set your bookstagram account apart.
  12. Mental Health. Many readers struggle with their mental health, myself included, and they use reading as a coping method. This is a great way to be open with your followers, if you are going through something you can be honest and show your followers how you cope. Do you go for a run? Read a book? Go shopping for books? Talk about how this helps you cope with your mental health. Promoting books that tackle mental health topics sensitively and authentically sharing these recommendations can provide valuable resources to your audience.
  13. Book events. If you can attend book events or author signings, document your experiences and interactions with guest authors. These posts provide unique and exciting content for your audience and demonstrate your involvement in the bookish community as well as shining a light on your favorite authors.
  14. Monthly Challenge. Motivate your followers to read more by creating reading challenges specifically for them. Compile monthly or quarterly prompts, such as “read a book written by an author from a different country” or “try a genre you’ve never read before.” By encouraging your followers to read outside their comfort zones. It helps you promote diverse reading habits and spark meaningful conversations about books.
  15. Book-to-Screen Adaptions. Book-to-screen adaptations are a hot topic among bookstagrammers. Leverage this trend by creating posts comparing books to their movie or TV show adaptations. Engage your audience in discussions about which version they prefer and what elements of the story translated well from page to screen. This approach can spark lively debates and bring in new followers who are fans of the adaptations.

Another way to share your authentic self is through behind-the-scenes posts. Show your followers what goes on behind the camera – the process of setting up for a photoshoot, organizing your bookshelves, or the excitement of unboxing book mail. These glimpses into your bookstagram journey can be endearing and instill a sense of community with your followers. It also show the true aftermath of being a bookstagrammer.

One fun way to find more bookstagram community is to find bookish challenges. They are so diverse and there are entire accounts that just do challenges. Some of them do monthly prompts, weekly prompts, or just random book challenges where you must search your shelf to find a book that fits the verbal prompts; they are an easy way to have more ideas on what to post and when to post.

Prompts That Are Just Plain Fun!

The following is a list of prompts, but just know there are always new ones popping up, so I suggest following the hashtag #Bookishchallenge or #Bookchallenge to keep up to date with them.

  1. Rainbow book challenge. This is one of my favorites 😊 You go to your shelf and try to find a book in every color of the rainbow.
  2. Here is My Book. This challenge asks a series of questions that you show in a book to fit the questions answer.
  3. Pretty Cover Book Challenge. This one was so fun. You must search your shelves to find your favorite book covers in every color.
  4. 54321 challenge. Show 5 books you love, 4 auto-buy authors, 3 of your favorite genres, 2 of your favorite reading spots, and 1 book you plan to read soon.
  5. How tall are you? This challenge asks you to make a book stack as tall as you and pose next to it.
  6. Bookish Scavenger hunt challenge. This one was really fun for me and a bit of a challenge to find books that fit the words.
  7. I don’t ever really give books five stars. For this prompt, you just need a few 5-star books and one that was NOT a 5-star read for you.
  8. One color, Three Genres. This one asks you to find a stack of books all the same color but completely different genres!
  9. Your name is in a stack. This challenge asks you to find books where the first letter matches one in your name and then to make a stack showing your name spelled out in the titles.
  10. Couple Trope. This one asks you to get a picture of yourself and your significant other and add trope labels to it.
  11. A Pink stack. This one is usually done for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. You just find all your pink books and post a picture of them.
  12. A challenge of authors. This one you can easily make to fit your style. You pick indie authors and show off several books from your shelves that you recommend from indie authors.
  13. Turn to page ___. This one is where you go to your shelf grab a book randomly turn to a certain page (there are several that have different pages mentioned), and the page you turn to the first word describes you or your love life. There have been some very funny ones that have come out of this.
  14. Different Language Stack. Encourage your audience to explore books in different languages by creating challenges that focus on books that have been translated into a different language. This can broaden their reading horizons and showcase an author’s impact! Plus, it’s just cool to see the covers of translated versions.
  15. Guess the book title. This challenges you to show the first line from a book and have your audience guess the title.
  16. My favorite authors vs my favorite books. This challenge usually involves classical English literature books, though I have done it without including them. You show your favorite modern author and a few of their books and your favorite classical author with your favorite books of theirs.
  17. Your favorite tropes Challenge. This one asks you to show your favorite books in a specific trope.
  18. Book you haven’t read yet. This one is great for making a bit of humor at your TBR shelf.
  19. Banned books challenge. Show off your banned books with this reading challenge.
  20. Bookish Bucket list. Present a bookish bucket list and encourage your followers to create their own. This list can include reading goals, book events they want to attend, or literary landmarks they wish to visit. 
  21. Genre Swap: This fun and imaginative prompt involves switching the genres of well-known books. Pick a few popular titles and imagine how the story would unfold if it were written in a different genre. For example, what would “Pride and Prejudice” look like as a sci-fi thriller or a fantasy adventure? Playfully showcase your genre-swap ideas in a post.
  22. Social issues. Now this is one I don’t recommend doing often as it can be very controversial.  However, if there is a social movement you feel strongly about, find books that share your standpoint and showcase them. It can be a way to show your support for a great many things.
  23. Bookish Doodles and fan art: Share your artistic flair by creating bookish doodles or fan art. You can draw scenes from your favorite books, design book covers for imaginary titles, or even sketch bookish quotes. 
  24. Reading in Unusual Places: Showcase your love for reading by capturing photos of yourself reading in unexpected and unconventional locations. Whether it’s on top of a mountain, inside a treehouse, or by a waterfall, you can demonstrate your passion for books in fun settings. This prompt adds a sense of adventure to your bookstagram and invites your followers to think outside the box when it comes to their reading habits.
  25. Bookish Time Travel: Take your audience on a literary time travel journey by featuring books from different time periods. Create a carousel post that showcases a selection of books set in various historical eras, from ancient civilizations to the distant future. Add a touch of creativity by incorporating vintage filters to transport your followers through time with you.
  26. Bookish Confessions: Open up to your audience with a post of bookish confessions. Share your guilty reading pleasures, book-related quirks, or unpopular opinions about beloved books or authors. Embrace vulnerability and encourage your followers to join in by sharing their bookish confessions in the comments.
  27. Literary Locations: Take your followers on a virtual tour of literary locations. Compile images, videos, or even animated scenes inspired by the settings of your favorite books. Whether it’s the magical world of Hogwarts or the bustling streets of Victorian London, immerse your audience in the rich atmospheres of these fictional places and ignite their wanderlust for bookish destinations.
  28. Bookish Bookshelf Tour: Take your followers on a comprehensive bookshelf tour, showcasing your book collection, how you organize your books, and any special bookish items or decorations on display. Use creative transitions and background music to make the reel visually captivating.
  29. Book Spine Poetry: Create book spine poetry by stacking books in a way that their titles form a poem or tell a story. Use a mix of genres and titles to craft unique and meaningful poems that reflect your emotions or current themes in your life.
  30. Bookish Recipes: Combine your love for books and cooking by sharing bookish-themed recipes inspired by your favorite novels. Create a post carousel that demonstrates how to make book-inspired dishes or treats, and invite your audience to try them out.
  31. Bookish Anticipations: Make a post of your most anticipated book releases for the year. Highlight the cover art, share a brief synopsis, and express your excitement for these upcoming reads. Encourage your followers to share their own highly anticipated books in the comments.

***Bonus: First Line Friday! Read the first line of your current read!

Don’t quite know what to post with this photo or that reel? Here is a collection of some deep caption ideas for you!

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Travelers Wife 4 Life
Travelers Wife 4 Life

Quiet, Quirky, and a Lover of Adventure both indoors and out.

Articles: 566

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