Book Spotlight: The Broken Prince

Book Spotlight: The Broken Prince by Kara Linaburg A Young Adult Fantasy novel! Read an excerpt + Enter a Giveaway via Prism Book Tours.

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The Broken Prince
(The Broken Series, #1)
By Kara Linaburg
Young Adult Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 191 Pages
June 3, 2019
In all the fairy tales the maiden falls in love with the prince…but she has to remember that this isn’t a fairy tale…
Born into a kingdom where those of magical Gifts are rejected, feared, and even killed, Serena has spent her life striving to hide her ability and keep her younger brother safe.
The bastard son of the hated king and father he hardly knows, Prince Milosh is considered an outcast. He never expects to feel anything but contempt for the peasant girl who unexpectedly shows up in his life, forcing him to answer questions he never wished to ask.
When two very different worlds are thrown together under less than desirable circumstances, both hold deep judgement towards the other. But will they learn to see beyond their stations and birth so that they may defeat the coming darkness, or will labels given to them at birth continue to define them?
A heart-stopping tale about the power of human love, and how each of us are never truly alone.
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Author Interview
Three words to describe your writing process of “The Broken Prince”?
Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. I wrote this book in a crazy place mentally back in high school, and the whole manuscript was just a mess starting out.
What did you edit out of “The Broken Prince”?
So much! Haha. There’s a big plot twist at the end of the book, but thankfully my editor saved the main character from a horrible fate and helped switch that around so it would be more accepting for the reader.
How many unpublished or half-finished books do you have?
*Hides* A lot.
What was the first book that made you cry?
After my mom finished reading me “The Last Battle” when I was a kid, I remember just crying. That series really made me want to write and create my own fantasy storyworld that made people see their own world differently.
How did you pick the names for your characters?
Google. For my fictional country of Sindaleer in “The Broken Prince”, I based the culture off of Native American Indians and the Norse Viking culture, and I tried to find names that reflected the culture I was attempting to create.
What are your future plans?
Continue pursuing a certificate in Editing and Publishing through UCLA, build my editing business, and continue trying my hand at books with real characters going through things that don’t hide the darkness but also remind us how to find the light. Monarch is publishing my YA contemporary (with thriller vibes!) June 7th, 2022. My probably-never-going-happen dream is to start public speaking, advocating for mental illness. Oh! And I also want to go to Hawaii. 😉 Basically, I never stop!
Other Books in the Series

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About the Author

Queen of awkward and writer before she could spell properly, Kara Linaburg is passionate about creating stories with beauty in brokenness. A wearer of many hats, when she’s not found editing for her clients, writing stories that make her cry, or planning her next adventure, she’s probably watching the sunset.
Tour Schedule
(Posts go live on the day they’re scheduled.)

November 28th: Launch
November 29th: Elayne Audrey Becker – Forestborn
November 30th: Michelle Diener – The Turncoat King
December 1st: Jes Drew – Agents Adam and Eve
December 2nd: Sharon Hinck – Windward Shore
December 3rd: Kara Linaburg – The Broken Prince
December 4th: Cathy McCrumb – Recorder
December 5th: Sandra Fernandez Rhoads – Realms of Light
December 6th: Chawna Schroeder – The Vault Between Spaces
December 7th: Melissa Wright – Beneath Stone and Sacrifice
December 8th: Kristen Young – Elite
December 9th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $50 (USD) Amazon eGift Card

Open internationally
Ends December 13, 2021


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