Book Review: The Living Christmas Tree

Book Review: The Living Christmas Tree by Kristin Sponaugle. A Christmas Story with Guest Post + Giveaway via iRead Book Tours!

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Book Title:  The Living Christmas Tree by Kristin Sponaugle
Category:  Children’s Fiction (ages 3 to 7), 38 pages
Genre:  Children’s Book
Publisher:  Mascot
Release date:   September 2021
Formats Available for Review: print-hardback USA, e-book (PDF)
Tour dates: November 26 to December 17
Content Rating:  G.  Suitable for everyone.
***** 2021 Family Choice Award Winner *****

During the day, the Miller family’s Christmas tree stands tall in their living room, sparkling with lights and ornaments. Little does the family know that their Christmas tree is anything but ordinary. Each evening, the magic of Christmas brings their tree to life—much to the delight of Hannah and William Miller. Follow along as Hannah and William experience the magic of Christmas in a whole new way.


Kristin Sponaugle was born in Butler, Pennsylvania. She graduated from Duquesne University, where she received her bachelor’s degree in health sciences and her master’s degree in physician assistant studies. Kristin had always dreamed of becoming an author, and made that dream a reality with her two published children’s books, The Princess Puppy and The Living Christmas Tree. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, cross-stitching, and playing with her Maltese dog, Rosie. Kristin lives with her husband, daughter, and Rosie, and resides wherever the Air Force sends them.

Connect with the Author: website ~ facebook ~ instagram


A Lady with Many Hats

              I have recently found one of the most difficult questions to answer: Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

              It’s a hard question to answer, because there isn’t a simple response. I wear so many different hats – some hats are permanent, and others I seem to swap on and off. My first permanent hat is that I’m a daughter of Christ and try my best to follow Him, although I’m far from perfect. My second permanent hat is being a wife to an Air Force pilot. I spend a lot of my days hearing aircraft flying overhead, listening to my husband chatter in pilot lingo at an alarmingly fast pace, and preparing for the next deployment. A temporary hat is chief-organizer, especially when it comes to the multiple cross-country moves we’ve done due to the Air Force deciding they need my husband somewhere else.

              Another permanent hat is being a mom to my nine-month-old daughter. I spend a lot of my days playing with blocks, changing diapers, reading books, and trying to keep her from tackling our dog, Rosie. While juggling my top three permanent hats, I also wear the hat of physician assistant. This hat is currently buried underneath since I’m not actively practicing, but I toss it on top when a friend calls with a medical question or when I’m keeping up with the latest medical guidelines. One of my favorite hats that I keep near the top is being an author. I placed this hat on my head in December 2020 with the release of my first children’s book, The Princess Puppy, and again in September 2021 when my second children’s book, The Living Christmas Tree, was published.

              I feel like these hats are just scratching the surface, as there are so many others that I wear regularly – the sister hat, the friend hat, the cleaning-the-house hat, the volunteer hat… the list goes on. Each hat has a time and a place to be worn, but my favorite three permanent hats – being a follower of Christ, a wife, and a mom – will always be the ones I wear on the top. All of my other hats are featured around my top three. In today’s crazy busy world, I think it’s important to keep focused on which hats are our main priority, and which ones are for the occasional wear.




How sweet this story is!

I loved how Kristin Sponaugle took something special and made it even more so. She brought to life dreams, thoughts, and wishes. Then executed it in such a way that readers can’t help but be enchanted by it. The ornaments antics were cute and fun, easily something I could see my group of penguins doing on my tree here at home. The Living Christmas Tree was also an enjoyable conversation starter as my kids then wanted to create their own stories for each ornament on our tree!

I also thought the illustrations were very well done and really helped emphasize the story being told.

I enjoyed reading the story of all the Living Christmas Tree and I recommend picking it up to read. It has a great imaginative quality, interactivity, and it is just lovely!

5 Stars.

*I volunteered to read this story in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

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