Wondering Wednesday! – Do you Have a Pet?

It is time for Wondering Wednesday again! This week Jessica from the Baker’s Perspective asked the question:

Do You Have Any Pets?

It might be kinda bad, however, the first thought that came to my mind was “Does my husband count?”.12573864_1243816975635059_1778290727685634933_n
Right now, I currently do not have any pets, unfortunately. It is the first time in my life that I am not around animals of any kind. In my last job I was around horses (17 beauty’s), Miniature Donkey’s, Ring-Tailed Lemurs, pigs, fainting/mountain goats, Zebu cows (Cue the veggie tales song), and a bunch of other wildlife, not to mention my girl Pepsi, the best miniature schnauzer ever. For now, my husband and I are looking at retired military dogs in need of a new home. Or looking at training dogs for service (Or at least I am, we shall see if I can talk the husband into it 😉)

Do you have pets? If so which ones/what breed? If not, what would be your dream pet and why?


The Traveler’s Wife

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Travelers Wife 4 Life
Travelers Wife 4 Life

Quiet, Quirky, and a Lover of Adventure both indoors and out.

Articles: 572

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  1. Lol too funny on your opening thought! I had a sweet kitty I loved alot. She passed and I was so sad, I haven’t gotten another one yet.

      • A much loved Bichon Frise named Bentley.

        And I’ve always been drawn to the idea of training dogs for service of any kind. What a wonderful thing to at least consider. However, giving them up would be tough after investing so many hours and caring for them. ❤

        • Awe, that breed is cute 🙂

          Me too! I wanted to be a Military Dog handler or Police K9 handler at one point but with our busy schedule I just can’t do it.

          I have a couple friends who train dogs and it is hard to give them up at the end. They said that it helps to know that their dog will be going to help someone have freedoms that they often wouldn’t have other wise. Some of the owners even keep in contact and let the original owners dog sit for them if they go on vacation 🙂

  2. Ha, ha! Does the husband count? I love that this was your first thought! And I think it counts. We currently have three dogs and I think that is enough. 😊

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