The things you go through when moving for a job:
- Find Out Your Moving
- Your MOVING.
- Is it here, there, or somewhere by me? (Everyone asks).
- Begin Packing. Wait. Wait…
- You’re Moving this weekend so you pack your stuff in a POD (CAUSE YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHERE YOU ARE MOVING).
- Physic. You’re not moving this weekend.
- Two weeks later, You should be good to move this weekend.
- Can you wait till Wednesday?
- Uh……Sure.
So on Wednesday we moved.
After that confusing Process you can now begin to look for your new Apt (Because no one will rent you a house for 6-9 months; unless you want to pay a premium $500 over the rent price per-month). You have now officially moved to NC. Congratulations. Then 2 months later find out you get to start the whole process over again….oh vey.