Trace Of Doubt – A Guest Post by DiAnn Mills
Trace of Doubt by DiAnn Mills September 1-30, 2021 Tour With Partners In Crime Synopsis of Trace of Doubt…
Trace of Doubt by DiAnn Mills September 1-30, 2021 Tour With Partners In Crime Synopsis of Trace of Doubt…
Bob The Banana Goes Bad by Steve Petzinger & Selia Akbar-Hussain. A Book Review + Guest Post From Selia Akbar-Hussain and aGiveaway via iRead Book Tours.
Far Above Rubies by Jolyn Canty. A Guest Post, Book Spotlight + Giveaway! Via Justread Publicity Tours and by The Travelers Wife.
Fresh Scars by Donna Mumma. A Guest Post "What Inspires You?" + Giveaway! Via Justread Publicity Tours & The Adventures of a Travelers Wife!
Rambee Boo's Lake Vacation by Reena Korde Pagnoni a Book Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway! Hosted by iRead Book Tours!
Shelter in the Storm by Laurel Blount - A Book Giveaway + Guest Post! Via Justread Tours and Hosted by The Adventures of a Travelers Wife!