Getting Reel by Alyssa Roat and Hope Bolinger

A new book from Alyssa Roat and Hope Bolinger say what? I just read their last book and interviewed Alyssa Roat and Hope Bolinger! Now I get to read Getting Reel a Sweet Contemporary Romance.

Book: Getting Reel

Authors: Alyssa Roat and Hope Bolinger

Genre: Christian Sweet Contemporary Romance

Release Date: August 5, 2023

When explosive personalities collide, can a control-freak director and last-chance actress work together to win a film competition?

Ryan Torino loves the feeling of control, especially when it comes to his photography work and indie movies. And when he gets the opportunity to enter an indie film festival—rumored to have Hollywood bigwigs attending—he can’t afford for anything to be less than perfect, especially the casting of his leading role.

Enter Zinnia Preston, who has been trying to break into the acting scene since college. Now in her late twenties and working the not-job-of-her-dreams, Zinnia knows this indie film project may be her last chance to make it onto the screen. Ryan is intimidated by Zinnia’s strong personality, but he can’t deny she’s the one for the job. Meanwhile, Zinnia wants to throttle Ryan for his perfectionistic tendencies, but she needs this gig.

The tension between the two threatens to derail the project, and to both of their frustration, clashing visions aren’t the only reason sparks seem to fly every time they interact. When an old nemesis arrives back in town, Zinnia and Ryan will need to set aside their differences and work together to have a chance at winning. If not, they can kiss that Hollywood riding-into-the-sunset ending goodbye. Check out Getting Reel on Amazon!

An Author Interview With Alyssa Roat

Once an idea takes root, how long does it take you to write it down?

If messaging each other about it counts, Hope and I (Alyssa) write things down pretty quickly. “Hey,” one of us will say, “what if there was a story where…” In fact, for the Roseville Romances, we came up with the idea for the series and pitched it to the publisher the very same day. She loved it, and we got to work writing the first book!

Do you have a favorite author? Or someone whom you would say has influenced your writing style?

I don’t know if I can ever pick a favorite, but I know that my storytelling style was heavily influenced by writers like Madeleine L’Engle, Donita K. Paul, Susan Cooper, and Brian Jacques. I love creativity and well-developed settings, and I devoured books by these authors growing up.

What are your hobbies other than writing?

Hope and I like to try a wide variety of things, not just because it helps our writing, but because it’s fun! Hope models does theater, hikes, and participates in runways. I’ve recently enjoyed bouldering, ax throwing, softball, sword fighting, and tabletop games. In college, we played in a handbell choir, worked on the school newspaper, and tried geocaching. Who knows what new activity we’ll try next?

Do you have a genre that you would never write? (In the Christian genre sphere i.e. speculative, historical, contemporary, etc.)

I can see myself writing most genres, but one I don’t think I’ll ever master is mystery! All the carefully constructed clues, red herrings, and an ending that makes a reader say, “What???” and “Of course!” at the same time just seem so difficult! I love infusing a bit of mystery into my stories, but I have the utmost respect for people who can deliver a full-fledged mystery novel.

What is one thing in your life that you would say has had the greatest impact on your writing? Or in your life in general?

I think the biggest part of my life that has sculpted me as a writer is curiosity. I love to learn new things, study a variety of subjects, acquire new skills, and hear from people of all sorts of walks of life. Writers create new worlds and put themselves into the shoes of people who might be nothing like us. When I write, I learn new things—about myself, other people, and the world. Sometimes I even write to learn what I think. Being curious, always willing and excited to learn, I think is a hallmark of a writer who will only continue to improve.

About the Authors

Hope Bolinger is the managing and acquisitions editor at End Game Press and the author of 25+ books. When she isn’t accidentally writing a book in seven days, she likes to model, do theater, and hike around northeast Ohio. Please find out more about her at

Alyssa Roat is a multi-published author and has worked in a wide variety of roles within the publishing industry as an agent, editor, writer, and publicist. When not reading and writing, she likes to swordfight, rock climb, throw axes, and generally engage in tomfoolery with her silly cats. Her name is a pun, so you can find more about her at

More from the Authors Alyssa Roat & Hope Bolinger

Something many people don’t know about me (Hope) is that I’d planned to go into film before college. I did an internship at a great Christian film company my senior year of high school.

And I’m actually dating someone who had worked for Netflix and Disney for a while.

Even Alyssa, my coauthor, did a semester in LA to learn all about film.

So why did all of us leave it?

Well, we felt called to publishing instead. As for my boyfriend, he’s waiting for that next door. Perhaps it’ll be opened by the time this post goes up.

In the book, we tackle not only the film industry but the idea of control. I think, if we’re honest with ourselves, we like to micromanage whatever we can. Alyssa and I each wrote a character whose circumstances are way beyond their control.

Zinnia feels like she’s too old to jump into the Hollywood scene now. Ryan feels torn between his love of film and the pressures his family puts on him to join their business.

The entire cast of characters seems to want to control everything.

I don’t want to spoil anything, but let’s just say—like Alyssa and myself—the characters do have to learn how to put their plans in God’s hands. Knowing that whether or not he allows them to continue into the world of film, that he has everything under control.

And maybe we as readers need that reminder too.

That no matter if we’re being controlling, or have someone in our lives who is trying to micromanage everything, ultimately, we have a powerful Creator who knows the number of hairs on our heads.

It was bittersweet to end this series with Alyssa, our last coauthored work together. I don’t know when we will get a chance to coauthor again, but hopefully we can.

This process has taught us about control. Letting go, letting other ideas in. Knowing that book deadlines and publication dates don’t always go to plan.

And honestly? I wouldn’t have it any other way.


To celebrate their tour, Hope and Alyssa are giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Travelers Wife 4 Life

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Articles: 566


  1. I love the cover and synopsis and I am looking forward to reading Getting Reel. Thank you for sharing your interviews, bios and the book’s details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work

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