Book Review & Guest Post: Join Or Die By R Blake Wilson

About Join Or Die

​Book Title:  JOIN, or DIE. – An American Patriot’s Book of Quotes by R. Blake Wilson
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18+),  214 pages
Genre: American History, Constitution, Democracy
Publisher:  West View Press 
Release date:  April 12, 2022
Content Rating:  G for this book of quotes

Book Description:

An AMERICAN PATRIOT’S history lesson.

A book every American should own and read.

“The PEOPLE are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our LIBERTY.” Thomas Jefferson

“A HOUSE DIVIDED against itself cannot stand.” Abraham Lincoln

​”FREEDOM of SPEECH is a principal pillar of a free government; When this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and TYRANNY is erected on its ruins.” Benjamin Franklin

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Meet the Author:

R. Blake Wilson is a Father, Corporate Employee, Small Business Owner, American Farmer and American Patriot.

Born and raised in Springfield, Illinois in the shadow of United States President Abraham Lincoln and having achieved success and failure chasing the American Dream, Blake has grown to appreciate and admire the American story. He believes in the American Dream and the Pursuit of Happiness and has lived his life chasing both. His story is emblematic of an America where the individual is free to fail. succeed, fail and succeed again and again. His vision of American Unity is based on American Values and the United States Constitution…

In God We Trust, E Pluribus Unum, and Ordered Liberty.
DON’T TREAD ON ME – An American Patriot’s Book of Quotes (2011)
JOIN, or DIE. – An American Patriot’s Book of Quotes (2022)
LINCOLN – An American President’s Book of Quotes (coming soon)
REAGAN – An American President’s Book of Quotes (coming soon)
TRUMP – An American President’s Book of Quotes (coming soon)

Connect with the author: website ~  instagram ~  facebook twitter

Author Interview with R. Blake

Why did I decide to write this book/What was my inspiration?  

I have always been an American Patriot in my heart. Growing up in Springfield, Illinois “The Land of Lincoln” inspired my appreciation of American 🇺🇸 History and the American Story.  Abraham Lincoln, America’s 16th President, spent his early adult life in my hometown of Springfield IL. Each year my classmates and I would visit different Lincoln sites of interest and it was the consistent year after year visits that grew my love of America and my appreciation for how special and privileged we are as Americans.  America is the only nation in the world founded on a set of Values and Principles that have blessed ALL Americans for nearly 250 years.  E Pluribus Unum, Ordered Liberty, and In God We Trust are the Foundational Values responsible for America’s Success.  America is the world’s greatest gift to Freedom, Individual  Liberty and Worship / The Bible and without America this world would look much different and be controlled and governed under a socialist/Marxist/Communist type system. Individual Freedom and Liberty would be gone. America is under attack by the Marxist/Communist/Globalist/Green Party motivated by a compliant Democratic Party that sees an opportunity to maintain and grow its power in America and the world. This attack on American Values promoted by the failed and destructive Biden administration is systematically destroying the America I love.  As Americans we have a duty to fight for America 🇺🇸 and American Values and Traditions AND I pray American Unity and Success. JOIN, or DIE – An American Patriot’s Book of Quotes is my way of Standing Up for American Unity based on Traditional American Values.

How long did this book take to compile and complete?

JOIN, or Die An American Patriot’s Book of Quotes is my second book. DONT TREAD ON ME – An American Patriot’s Book of Quotes preceded JOD by 10 years. I always begin a book project years before with a vision of the project, cover and content. Often I may not begin a project for several years and this was the case with JOD. I actually had the vision soon after my first book DTOM in 2011. Late last year on 2021 I felt a sense of American 🇺🇸 Duty to complete this project. I began in early 2022 with the goal of a July 4th (Patriot’s Day) launch. I completed my research and first copy in early March after hours and hours of dedicated focus. (I do have a great medical device sales job covering Colorado and Utah) In March after many many changes and editions / edits I was able to complete a finished product. (Even though I caught a new edit this past week. Ron DeSantis’ last name is incorrectly presented Ron Desantis UGH !!  Another edit !!  )

How long have you been in the writing business? 

10 years or more. DONT TREAD ON ME – An American Patriots Book of Quotes project was worked on in 2010 and completed in 2011. JOIN, or DIE – An American Patriot’s Book of Quotes was envisioned soon after DTOM and then started in 2021 and completed in 2022 with a full launch on Patriot’s Day July 4th 2022.  I have ideas for 10 additional books including a series, An American President’s Book of Quotes. I have covers designed to motivate me for Lincoln and Reagan and have completed about 50% of Lincoln. Additional books will include; Grant, Jefferson, TRUMP and I pray the Republican 47th President of the United States. (Ron DeSantis my choice)

Share your story with us … 

Fun for me to answer. I am 55 years old and will be 56 on November 7 of this year.  I have been SUPER blessed to chase the American Dream and Pursue Happiness for my entire life. I had a great childhood in Springfield IL and early on in life was determined to become a dentist and return to Springfield to practice. I attended Eastern Illinois University/Pledged Sigma Chi Fraternity like my father, Ron, and studied Biology. After two years of successful studies I was ready for a bigger challenge and considered adding NROTC to my Eastern Illinois experience and at the same time I applied to the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. Two months later I was accepted to Illinois and made the decision to transfer and finish my studies in Biology at Illinois.  I graduated in 1989 and was accepted to several top dental schools; Illinois, Northwestern, Iowa, University of Colorado and Southern Illinois University. I chose Southern Illinois University after a friend attended the previous year and really enjoyed his first year.  Dental school was pivotal for my life and career.  I lasted only 5 months at SIU Dental. I had met a successful business man in Champaign Illinois, Jeff Wandell, my last year at Illinois and this mentorship and friendship had me questioning my future as a dentist. Business and “Passion Projects” looked more and more appealing and the ability to craft my personal  journey was becoming less and less a reality as a dentist.  I was becoming more and more passionate about the possibilities and projects my creative mind came up with and the endless opportunities to achieve personal growth and career success.  I left SIU Dental school in the Spring of 1991 by placing a business book next to a dental school biology book and decided I’d rather pursue business in life.  Best decision EVER for me !!  30 years later I have lived in and worked and traveled nearly ALL of the United States.  Medical Product Sales  has dominated my professional business life. Eli Lilly, Merit Medical, Medtronic Spine & Biologics, NuVasive Spine, Director of Spine at MicroGenDX at the start of the COVID debacle and now w/ Checkpoint Surgical, a super cool and innovative peripheral nerve company.  I live in Colorado and manage Utah as well. In addition, I have followed my passions and built three bagel shops, BIG APPLE 🍎 BAGELS,  planted 5000 landscape maple and locust trees on my family’s farm in Lincoln IL, sold 1000s of Rapid Home COVID tests, I own a small “vintage CO label” beer company in Colorado, and have several additional businesses and projects under planning or in production. My American Flag art project is my most recently inspired concept. My life is a wonderful journey inspired by chasing the American Dream and following my passions. JOIN, or DIE – An American Patriot’s Book of Quotes is my way of promoting American Unity based on American Values. 

What was the hardest part of writing JOIN, or DIE – An American Patriot’s Book of Quotes? 

Easy answer ..  The 20 plus edits. Ugh!!  I am a science / medical guy and definitely not an editor or English expert.  I think this book was edited “after” the first placement on Amazon over 10 times which is not only costly but definitely a chore.  Even yesterday when I was sending Ron DeSantis a book I for the first time saw that I had his last name incorrect.  Ron Desantis has a capital “S”.  Another edit ..  To help I have friends review the book for mistakes and often it takes a few edits.  Self Publishing is ..  well “self” 

I believe JOD is 99% good to go now. 

What do I hope readers take away from JOIN, or DIE – An American Patriot’s Book of Quotes? 

My hope is that Americans of ALL ages, nationalities, color and sexual orientations can read and be inspired to be American Patriot’s by the men and women quoted in JOD.  Our great country was founded with purpose and by design by amazing men who believed in God, family and American Unity based on the traditional American values of .. In God We Trust, E Pluribus Unum and Ordered Liberty. The quotes were chided so that each quote could be individually read and discussed or thought about ..  I believe the simplistic book design makes it a great book to pick up .. read a single page and gain some important American wisdom.  God Bless America 

What’s your favorite part of the book? 

100% my favorite part of the book is the song “Ah Liberty!” By Wendell Schroeder on page 31.  Cliff Schroeder my friend, mentor and Colorado father’s father crafted this in 1776 to celebrate America’s Bicentennial.  It’s a great addition to Join, or Die – An American Patriot’s Book of Quotes and means a ton to me that Cliff Schroeder allowed me to put in my book.  “Ah Liberty” honors those who have been vigilant protectors of Liberty in the past and cries out to the strong and the selfless of today to preserve the Liberty which is the very essence of our American Heritage


Tour Schedule:

​Aug 8 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review / author interview / giveaway
Aug 9 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book review / giveaway
Aug 10 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Aug 11 – Bless Their Hearts Mom – book review / guest post / giveaway
Aug 12 – Connie’s History Classroom – book review / giveaway
Aug 15 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
Aug 16 – 
Sefina Hawke’s Books – book spotlight
Aug 17 – The Adventure of a Traveler’s Wife – book review / author interview / giveaway
Aug 18 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book review / giveaway
Aug 19 – Books and Zebras – book review / giveaway
Aug 22 – fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 23 – The Momma Spot – book review / giveaway
Aug 24 – Splashes of Joy – book review / giveaway
Aug 25 – Books for Books – book spotlight
Aug 26 – Paws.Read.Repeat – book review / giveaway

Enter the Giveaway: 

JOIN OR DIE: – An American Patriot’s Book of Quotes Book Tour Giveaway




My Thoughts on Join or Die by R. Blake Wilson

Join, Or Die BY R. Blake Wilson is in a word, outstanding. 

 By combining quotes, verses, poems, declarations, and history R. Blake Wilson created a book that should literally be in every home and classroom in the United States.  

Here are a couple of my favorite included quotes: 

“When governments fear the people there is LIBERTY.  
When the people fear the government there is TYRANNY.” ~ Thomas Jefferson. Join, Or Die by @RBlakeWilson1 #quotes #patriotism #America 🇺🇸

“These are the times that try men’s souls. 
The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in the crisis, shrink from the service of their country: but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” ~ Thomas Paine

“#Socialism in general has a record of #failure so blatant that only an Intellectual Could Ignore Or Evade It.” ~ Thomas Sowell, Join, or Die by @RBlakeWilson1 #quotes #patriotism #America

I could honestly go on for a while on why I sincerely love this book. But in reality, I think you should check it out for yourself. So, you get the same ah-ha moments, smiles, and feelings of American Patriotism that AMERICA was founded on.  

I have R. Blake Wilson on my authors to watch list because I will definitely be buying the rest of the books he writes.  

5 Stars. 

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.  

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