The Process Of Moving

The thought process of moving cross country...

The things you go through when moving for a job:

  1.  Find Out Your Moving
  3. Your MOVING.
  4. Is it here, there, or somewhere by me? (Everyone asks).
  5. Begin Packing. Wait. Wait…
  6. You’re Moving this weekend so you pack your stuff in a POD (CAUSE YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHERE YOU ARE MOVING).
  7. Physic. You’re not moving this weekend.
  8. Two weeks later, You should be good to move this weekend.
  9.  Can you wait till Wednesday?
  10. Uh……Sure.

So on Wednesday we moved.

After that confusing Process you can now begin to look for your new Apt (Because no one will rent you a house for 6-9 months; unless you want to pay a premium $500 over the rent price per-month). You have now officially moved to NC. Congratulations. Then 2 months later find out you get to start the whole process over again….oh vey.

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Travelers Wife 4 Life
Travelers Wife 4 Life

Quiet, Quirky, and a Lover of Adventure both indoors and out.

Articles: 566

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