Twin Tales: Alike and Different

Twin Tales: Alike and Different by Brielle & Nadia Dupervil. Checkout a guest post from the authors, A book review + Giveaway!



Book Title:  Twin Tales: Alike and Different by Brielle and Nadia Dupervil
Category: Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7), 28 pages
Genre:  Children
Publisher:  RiaJay Publishing
Release date:  October 2021
Format: Print – Hardback USA, e-book PDF
Tour dates: October 25 to November 19
Content Rating:  G – Suitable for all readers.Book Description: 
Imagine having someone that is just like you in the world. Or what if there were not just like you, but everyone thought they were? Twin sisters Alexia and Denise might look alike on the outside, but they are very different on the inside. Join the sisters as they reveal what makes them unique. An enduring story of siblings who share a strong bond that parents will appreciate, and children will love.Buy the Book:
Authors’ Website

Guest Post

Day in the Life of a Twin

When Nadia and Brielle wake up, the first thing they do is look for one another. It’s almost like nothing matters until they see each other and their day doesn’t start until they are together. In the mornings, they brush their teeth together, eat breakfast together, and get dressed together. They walk into the school building holding hands.

During the day, although they have different friends and interests, they are always aware of their sister’s whereabouts.

After school when it’s time to do extracurricular activities like ballet, tennis, and soccer, they support each other and serve as each other’s biggest fans (and critics).

When Brielle and Nadia come home for the day, they rush to their playroom to have sister time. While playing in their room, they can often be heard reflecting on their day. Discussions usually involve highlighting the ups and downs from the previous day, and plans for the following day. Sometimes, you might even hear a disagreement. It is always easy to decipher when the happy chatter turns into a disagreement because the calm conversations become loud and usually involve crying from not one, but both girls. One sister gets upset by the conversation, then the other sister gets upset that her sister is crying. Truly it can be comical to observe, especially because very soon after the breakdown the girls return to be the best of friends.

At bedtime, the girls take baths together and brush their teeth together once again. Before bed, they say their prayers together and kiss and hug each other goodnight. Honestly, listening to them tell each other goodnight might just be the sweetest thing you will ever hear.

The unique bond is enhanced with every passing day, and it is one that may will never understand. From birth, they have started and ended their days together.

Each day with a twin is full of laughter, tears, support, and friendship.


Brielle has a bold and bubbly personality and never meets a stranger. You can call her the life of the party because there is never a dull moment when she is around. Brielle is a curious conversationalist who will talk to anyone who will listen.

Nadia is a soft spoken, articulate, gentle spirit. Initially she is reserved, but once comfortable she will win you over with her contagious laughter and the silly jokes she keeps in her back pocket for the right time. Nadia is caring and always does what she can to help others feel better. She is very in tune with her emotions and very direct when expressing them.

Connect with the Author:  website ~ facebook ~ instagram


TWIN TALES by Nadia and Brielle Dupervil Book Tour Giveaway

Check out other stops on the tour for more chances to win by clicking HERE!


As the daughter of a Twin, I knew I had to read this book! It was cute (SIGNED BY THE AUTHORS!), a clear storyline, and I thought the illustrations were beautiful. Just the right amount of illustrations to drive home that everyone is different, even twins.

I enjoyed how the authors pointed out their differences, differences we do not see when looking at people, but they are things that make each twin unique and truly their own person. Truly an extremely sweet and thought-provoking book.

I am looking forward to seeing what these young entrepreneurs come out with next. Twin Tales: Alike and Different was wonderful and my kids enjoyed learning and interacting with the book. A definite 5 stars.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

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