Bob the Banana Goes Bad – Book Review

Bob The Banana Goes Bad by Steve Petzinger & Selia Akbar-Hussain. A Book Review + Guest Post From Selia Akbar-Hussain and aGiveaway via iRead Book Tours.

About the BOOK

Bob The Banana Goes Bad Book Title:  BOB THE BANANA GOES BAD by Steve Petzinger and Selai Akbar-Hussain
Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7),  38 pages
Genre:  Children’s Picture Book
Publisher:  Mascot Books
Release date:   June, 2021
Content Rating:  G for everyone.

Book Description:

In this heartwarming story, Bob the banana goes on an emotional journey as he worries about going bad before he can be of any use to Mr. Abbot. With the help of his friends, he learns to hold on to the hope that he will get picked by Mr. Abbott before it is too late. Through their combined support and perseverance of his refrigerated friends, Bob may be just the right item for Mr. Abbot someday.

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My Thoughts on Bob The Banana Goes Bad

Ever wonder what food would say if it could talk? Well, authors Steve Petzinger and Selia Akba-Hussain took that idea and ran with it. Creating a world of imagination where all the food in the fridge has a personality and opinion. The main character Bob the Banana is troubled, and his friends rally around him in a good display of community. The authors even added elements of how to respond to bullying, to always think positively, and some creative food ideas. I also thought they did a good job immersing the reader in a familiar, yet new world of the refrigerator.

The only things I did not particularly like were some of the word choices in the story and the name-calling. Otherwise, this was an interesting story. 3.5 Stars.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

About The Authors

Steve Petzinger first created the concept for Bob the Banana when he was just twelve years old. His mother kept the original version, and over the years, his family urged him to publish it. In 2020, he decided to finally take their advice.


Petzinger sought help from his close friend, Selia Akbar-Hussain, who has been teaching preschool for eight years. She has read hundreds of children’s books and is knowledgeable about children’s books content. After months of hard work, their dreams of publishing a children’s book came true.

connect with the authors: website ~ facebook ~ instagram ~ goodreads

Guest Post From Selia Akbar-Hussain

Success vs. Substance

Success is such a loaded word.  We all have our preconceived notions of what success is supposed to look like.  We are also taught that success equals happiness. Success can get you many things: money, power, prestige, etc.  But is that really all that fulfilling? 

I believe that substance is the real key to happiness.  Substance is what makes me feel worthy and worthwhile.  Am I making a difference? Am I connected?  I aspire to make these questions true when I write, and that is how I achieve my deepest sense of contentment.  It is a feeling deeper and more long lasting to me than any fleeting feeling of happiness.  

As a writer, I try to share my values and beliefs subliminally through the characters and plots in my stories.  I feel most connected when I can share my creativity with readers and see their responses to the book.  If I feel that they get me and the message I was trying to deliver, then I have done my job. 

Don’t get me wrong, I would love a series, a movie, an animation, a big publishing deal, and all that would look like success for the book.  That would be really nice, but what if it doesn’t happen?  Would I still be happy?  I hope that I could say yes: I fulfilled a dream, a goal, a vision and I challenged myself to complete it.  At the end of the day I was true to myself, and that is the greatest reward


Tour Schedule:

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Lisa’s Reading – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
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The Adventures of a Travelers Wife – book review / guest post / giveaway
The Book Review Crew – book review / guest post / giveaway

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