Moms Raising Sons to be Men – Author Interview

Moms Raising Sons to Be Men JustListen Audiobook Blog + Review Tour

Welcome to the JustListen Blog + Review Tour for Moms Raising Sons to Be Men by Rhonda Stoppe,
hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Moms Raising Sons to Be Men Title: Moms Raising Sons to Be Men
Author: Rhonda Stoppe
Publisher: Christian Audio
Release Date: March 9, 2021
Genre: Nonfiction / Christian Family / Christian Living

Mothers of boys have the special calling to shape future men of God. Popular speaker Rhonda Stoppe, mom to two sons, knows this opportunity is a challenge, a joy, and probably the most important work of a woman’s life. Drawing from years of ministering to youth and to women and from her own parenting experience, Rhonda provides refreshingly relevant guidance, biblical and contemporary examples, and humorous insights to help each listener discover how to guide a son without hovering and smothering; how every action and choice can serve a godly goal; ways to communicate so a boy will listen and be heard; and God’s power and grace to become-and give-her best.

Packed with practical help from parenting experts and other moms, this inspirational resource will revive the faithfulness and fortitude a woman needs to partner with God as they shape the character and heart of a future godly man.
PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Christian Audio | Christianbook | IndieBound | BookBub


Moms Raising Sons to Be Men

Listen to (or read) one chapter per week and join Rhonda live on Wednesdays at 11 am Pacific to chat about the chapter & help YOU apply insights to raising your son. Rhonda will answer your questions in the comments too! Join the Summer Book Club Facebook Group.

Author Interview with Rhonda Stoppe

Which of your Published or Unpublished books is your favorite, and why?

I’ve written 6 books, and I have just completed a new children’s book. Of all of the books I’ve written, I think my favorite has been, Moms Raising Sons to Be Men. Because it has helped countless women guide their sons toward a life without regrets. I regularly receive emails and comments from mothers who tearfully explain how my book has trained them to become the mom they always hoped they would be.

And, since I get to talk a lot about my own experience as a mother raising two sons (and two daughters) the book is a memoir of God’s faithfulness in sending mentors to me who to help me parent without regrets. That’s why I wrote Moms Raising Sons to Be Men. It’s a mommy manual that unpacks practical secrets from moms in scripture, mothers in history, and present day moms who influenced their culture by raising kind, courageous and godly sons.

And, since I love the influence this book is having upon mothers, I recently released the audio version. Because I regularly meet mothers who say, “I know I should read your book, but I’m not a reader.”

To which I respond, “You read social media all day long. You’re a reader. But I get it. You’re busy. So, now you can listen to me reading the book to you while you do your mom thing.”

And, I so believe in the message of this book, that I’ve created a Free Moms Raising Sons Book Club where moms can join online and visit with me each week this summer.

What is your favorite genre to read?

I love to read biographies. Especially of people who God used powerfully for His purpose in their generation. Learning their stories helps me recognize God’s hand of providence in my own life. And inspires me to trust Him to do through me all that He has planned since the foundations of this world!

What inspires you the most?

Scripture inspires me the most. I know it sounds cliche’ but truly I know the regretful woman I am without being regularly washed with the water of the word. “You’ll never see yourself more clearly than through the lens of scripture,” is a quote in one of my books. Since, the Word of God is quick and powerful and reveals the thoughts and intents of the heart, studying, memorizing and memorizing scripture is the light that guides my path. As a speaker, author, pastor’s wife, mother and grandmother, looking to the Bible for insights and inspiration is the key I’ve discovered to living a life without regrets.

Once an idea takes root, how long does it take you to write it down? Do you use outlines?

Oh man, this is a good question. For some of my books, the idea came to me through a suggestion of a publisher. And for others, it’s an idea that I just cannot seem to shake until I write it down. Once the idea is clear, I write an outline. Then I compose a Table of Contents and summary for each chapter.

When I sit down to write the book, I follow pretty closely the table of contents and summaries. Although, I’m often surprised by the direction a chapter might take, when starting out, I thought the topic would take the reader on a completely different path.

Do you have a favorite author? Or someone whom you would say has influenced your writing style?

My favorite authors are those whose books are grounded in sound doctrine. None of the fluff or experiential mysticism, or pop-psychology that sometimes finds its way into a would-be-Christian book. I want my readers to know they can trust my books to be based in God’s word and truth.

I love Kay Arthur. She is the author of countless Precept Bible Studies. These inductive studies, and her books, have been extremely influential in training me to study Scripture and teach from a place of helping readers apply biblical principles to every day life––rather than attempting to emotionally manipulate them toward an expected end. Make sense?

What are your hobbies other than writing?

My hobbies are all over the map. We live on a ranch and I raise golden retriever puppies. So fun! And my husband and I love to take our motorcycle across country to catch a cruise ship to Alaska––Our favorite romantic get away. Although, when I rolled a motorcycle in 2019 and shattered my wrist, I’ve been a bit more cautious in our adventures, as you might imagine.

My favorite hobby is my family. Like, I’m totally obsessed with my high-school-sweetheart-husband, grown children and their spouses and our 15 grandkids. Yep. FIFTEEN! And since most of the grands are preschool age. Having them all together up at our ranch in the Northern California Mountains is both chaotic and amazing!

My daughters struggled with infertility for many years. Which means we have eight grand babies in heaven. So, when The Lord opened their wombs, He really opened them! LOL. We know that every baby is truly a miracle that we all celebrate to the upmost!

What is one thing you would say has had the greatest impact on your writing?

I think the one thing that has the greatest impact upon my writing is to imagine “my person.” When I write, I envision a twenty or thirty-something woman who is up to her elbows in raising kids and stuck in a passionless marriage. She knows Jesus, but has not been zealous in her pursuit of Him or sharing the gospel with others. She’s hormonally imbalanced, exhausted, overly committed, feeling regret that she’s not measuring up, and looking for help and hope.

When I imagine this woman, it lights my fire to help her. My trademark is “The No Regrets Woman” because I help women build life without regrets. I write articles, appear on radio and podcasts, compose books and teach at events, this woman is on my mind, and she inspires me to help her find the way to become a no regrets woman.

Lastly, what was your favorite book growing up?

Funny, but my favorite book was “The Night Before Christmas.” I remember getting the book for Christmas when I was four years old. I loved it so much I regularly pestered my mom to read it to me again and again. My mother was a teen-mom, so you can imagine how exasperated she would become being asked to read, yet again, this lyrical account of Santa’s visit to someone’s home.

As my mother read the book, I memorized every word. Every. Single. Word! Because I knew she would soon grow weary of reading it to me and I wanted to be able to “read” it to myself.

To this day, I have that book memorized. I recited it to my children, and now to my grandchildren. And it always reminds me of my young mother who was trying to figure out the whole motherhood gig that she had been dealt at such a young age. Maybe that’s why the person I imagine when I’m writing my books is a young mom who feels overwhelmed. Maybe I’m secretly writing to my teen-mom who really could have used a godly mentor.


Rhonda Stoppe

Rhonda Stoppe is a popular Christian speaker and author of 6 books. She’s a favorite radio and podcast guest, appearing frequently on Focus on the Family. With over 30 years experience of helping women build a No Regrets Life. Rhonda helps women to discover significance and purpose for their lives, impact the moral fiber of the next generation by raising children with integrity, find victory over people-pleasing, parent without regrets, enjoy a marriage others dream about, build an incredible legacy, and become more influential than they ever dreamed possible.

Join Rhonda’s FREE NoRegretsWoman Community by signing up for her newsletter. To learn more about Rhonda’s books and schedule her to speak at your event visit:

CONNECT WITH RHONDA: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Moms Raising Sons to Be Men TOUR GIVEAWAY

(1) winner will receive a paperback copy of Moms Raising Sons to Be Men and a code to download the free audiobook AND (1) winner will receive a 15-minute boy-mom coaching call with Rhonda Stoppe

Moms Raising Sons to Be Men JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight June 15, 2021 and lasts through 11:59 PM EST on June 22, 2021. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.


Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

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